Parking BOXX accommodates the needs of small lots as well as large, complex parking systems. Parking BOXX has over 80 years of parking systems experience, service partners throughout North America, and parking sites in operation from Los Angeles, the Caribbean to Newfoundland. Parking BOXX parking systems reliably run sites with thousands of daily vehicles and millions in annual parking revenue.
NOTE: This production does not allow the End User to print a receipt to display on their vehicle dashboard. This option offers Pay by Space or Pay by License Plate.
P-123 PHONE APP PAYMENT (w/o SPM PURCHASE): Allow Parkers to pay for parking on their phone. This is a one-time setup & signage fee - Parking BOXX will provide PDFs of customized signs for you to print at your local sign shop. Additionally, fees of $49 per month plus $0.35 per transaction shall apply. Note: the $49/mo is per Zone, and P-123 works only with Pay By Space or Pay By License, not with Pay & Display
Includes: Setup and on-line software training, plus unlimited Support & software training! [#SSS-705]
P-123 PHONE APP VALIDATION: Validate Parkers via any browser from any device. This is a one-time setup fee. Additionally, a fee of $25 per month for up to 5 validation accounts shall apply. (Note: P-123 works only with Pay By Space or Pay By License, not with Pay & Display) [#SSS-552]
TAXES: Applicable taxes will be added at time of invoicing unless otherwise itemized herein.
MERCHANT ACCOUNT: Pay 2.9% + $.30 per credit card transaction paid monthly.
DELIVERY & SCHEDULE: 2-5 Business Days. Parking BOXX estimates that your system will ship within this time frame, which starts after Parking BOXX's receipt of payment.